Install from Repository (Fedora)

The Opencast RPM repository for Fedora has been discontinued since Fedora with RPMfusion now provides nearly all necessary dependencies for Opencast. Use the following steps to install them, then continue with the installation from source.

This guide is to be merged into the guide for the installation from source.

Add RPMfusion repository

RPMFusion is a community-driven RPM repository for Fedora. It provides tools like FFmpeg. You can activate it using:

dnf install --nogpgcheck \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm \$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Install 3rd-party-tools

You can install all necessary 3rd-Party-Tools for Opencast like this:

dnf install maven ffmpeg tesseract hunspell sox synfig nmap-ncat

For additional Unicode tests run during the build process, you can also install:

dnf install hunspell-de tesseract-langpack-deu

Install Opencast

For the installation of Opencast, please have a look at the installation from source documentation .