Speech to Text Workflow Operation

ID: speechtotext


The speech to text operation can be used to generate subtitles from video or audio files. Currently, there are three STT engines available, Whisper, WhisperC++ and Vosk. The subtitles file format ist WebVTT.

Parameter Table

configuration keys required Example description
source-flavor yes source/presenter The source media package to use
target-flavor yes archive Flavor of the produced subtitle file.
target-element no track Define where to append the subtitles file. Possibilities are: as a 'track' or as an 'attachment'. The default is "track".
language-code no de The language of the video or audio source (default is "eng"). Vosk only: It has to match the name of the language model directory. See 'vosk-cli'.
language-fallback yes* en The fallback value if the dublin core/media package language field is not present.
target-tags no delivery/captions Tags for the subtitle file.** The generator and generator-type tags will be set automatically. (Whisper/WhisperC++ only: If no language-code is set, the lang tag will be auto-generated.)
translate no true Transcription is translated into English, valid values true or false (Whisper/WhisperC++ only)
limit-to-one no true Limits the maximum of generated subtitles to one. In most cases only one track will have the audio with the speech. Use this to prevent multiple transcription jobs that wastes computing resources. To have more control over which tracks shall be tried first for subtitle generation, use the track-selection-strategy option.
track-selection-strategy no everything Use this in combination with limit-to-one. Define your strategy what tracks shall be selected for subtitle generation. If you use the source-flavor */source, because your are unsure which track of your dual stream includes the audio, you can use the track-selection-strategy to try transcribing the presenter track first with the optiontry_presenter_first for example. These are the possible strategy options: presenter_or_nothing: only uses presenter tracks. presentation_or_nothing: only uses presentation tracks. try_presenter_first: looks for presenter tracks first, if there are no usable, try to transcribe the other tracks. try_presentation_first: looks for presentation tracks first, if there are no usable, try to transcribe the other tracks. everything: just transcribe everything (this is the default).

Vosk Only, default value can be modified on Vosk config file. *For conventionally used tags see the general page on Subtitles.


In order for it to work, you have to install the vosk-cli, whisper or whispercpp package.

Operation Examples

    description="Generates subtitles for video and audio files">
    <configuration key="source-flavor">*/source</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-flavor">captions/source</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-element">track</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tags">archive,subtitle,engage-download</configuration>
    <configuration key="language-code">eng</configuration>
    description="Generates subtitles for video and audio files, derive language-code from metadata">
      <configuration key="source-flavor">*/source</configuration>
      <configuration key="target-flavor">captions/source</configuration>
      <configuration key="target-element">track</configuration>
      <configuration key="target-tags">archive,subtitle,engage-download</configuration>

Language code

The accepted language code are the two letter codes defined in ISO 639-1. A reference list can be found here:

List of ISO 639-1 codes