Opencast Maven Repository

The Maven repository server maintains a copy of all the Java dependencies used by Opencast.

Setting-up Another Maven Repository

Having a repository server run in your local network can significantly improve the speed artifacts are retrieved while building Opencast.


There is a preconfigured Docker image for a Nexus server set-up for Opencast. To run an Opencast Nexus using Docker, follow these steps:

docker run \
    --name mvncache \
    -p 8000:8000 \

Prefer a Specific Repository

If you did set-up a local repository or just want to select a specific global repository by default, you can use a custom Maven configuration. To do that, create asettings file in ~/.m2/settings.xml like this:

<settings xmlns=""
      <name>Osnabrück Opencast Repository</name>

This example would add a mirror for the primary Opencast Maven repository, causing the Osnabrück repository to be the preferred repository to use. You can find some example configurations in docs/maven/.

Pushing artifacts to a Maven repository

Pushing to your local Maven repository

The following command will add a file to your local Maven repository. This is useful for testing if your artifacts are correctly placed prior to pushing to the mainline Nexus repository.

./mvnw install:install-file \
 -Dfile=$filename \
 -DgroupId=$groupId \
 -DartifactId=$artifactId \
 -Dpackaging=$packaging \
 -Dversion=$version \

Variable Map

Variable What it does Example
filename The path to the local file you want in your repository audio.mp2
groupId The Opencast group ID org.opencastproject
artifactId The artifact ID. This is the name of the artifact according to Maven audio
packaging The file type (effectively), this should match the filename's extension mp2
version The artifact's version 1.1
generatePom Whether or not to generate a pom file automatically true

Pushing to Maven Central

Opencast hosts its maven artifacts on Maven Central. There are a few steps prior to being able to push to Sonatype's repo:


Pushing Snapshots

Snapshots are pushed automatically by the CI servers. For historical purposes, this is accomplished by:

./mvnw deploy

To verify, your artifacts can be found here and here. Note that you cannot (easily) drop bad snapshots. Instead, fix it and redeploy!

Pushing Releases

Note: Please read this section entirely before running any commands. Maven Central does not allow you to change a release once it has been closed!

Pushing releases is similar to snapshots, with the added requirements that you also push:

This is automated with the release profile. To push a release run

./mvnw nexus-staging:deploy -P release

This creates a staging repository ( for your artifacts. This is always safe to do - you can still rollback all changes with

./mvnw nexus-staging:drop

If things do not look ok, fix the issue and redeploy. Once you are confident that everything is ok, you can run

./mvnw nexus-staging:close

This closes the staging repository, and runs the Sonatype-side tests for things like GPG signatures. If this fails, correct the issue locally, and redeploy. Once this succeeds, you have two options: drop (to destroy the release) or:

./mvnw nexus-staging:release

to permanently release the binaries in their current states.


Sometimes the deploy or close will fail, timing out after 5 minutes waiting for Sonatype. It will complain about violations of deploy rules - this may or may not actually be true. If you're confident that this is caused by a simple timeout and not something you have done use one of the following.

To reattempt a deploy use

./mvnw nexus-staging:deploy-staged

This will avoid recompiling, retesting, and resigning all of the binaries.

To reattempt a close use

./mvnw nexus-staging:close