Database Configuration

Opencast ships with embedded H2, MariaDB and PostgreSQL JDBC drivers. The built-in H2 database is used by default and needs no configuration, but is not suited for production.

The MariaDB driver also supports connecting to MySQL. But this may need additional setting and it not part of Opencast's documentation. We also do not test this, and hence do not guarantee that this will work.

__H2__ is not supported for updates or distributed systems. Use it for testing only!


Before following this guide, you should have:

Step 1: Select a Database

The EclipseLink JPA implementation which is used in Opencast supports several different databases, although some databases might require additional drivers. Official support only exists for MariaDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL and H2. Other database engines are not tested and specific issues will likely not be addressed.

Step 2: Set up the Database

This step is not Opencast-specific and may be different depending on your scenario and system. The following is an example of database setup using MariaDB, followed by an example for PostgreSQL, and is assuming CentOS 8 as Linux distribution. Look at your distribution's documentation for setting up a database.


Install and start MariaDB:

% dnf install mariadb mariadb-server
% systemctl start mariadb.service
% systemctl enable mariadb.service

Finally, set root user credentials by running

% mysql_secure_installation

The first step is to create a database for Opencast. You can use any other database client, e.g. phpMyAdmin, for this as well.

% mysql -u root -p

You will be asked for the password of the user root. Next, create a database called opencast by executing:

CREATE DATABASE opencast CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci;

Then create a user opencast with a password and grant it all necessary rights:

GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON opencast.* TO 'opencast'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'opencast_password';
Limiting the granted privileges You can limit the granted privileges further if you want to. The rights granted here are sufficient to run Opencast:
  TO 'opencast'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'opencast_password';

You can choose other names for the users and the database, and you should use a different password.

In a distributed system, apart from 'username'@'localhost' (which would allow access from the local machine only), you should grant a external user access to the database by running the same command for a user like 'username'@'10.0.1.%', where the 10.0.1.% specifies the IP range allowed to access the server. For more details on MariaDB user creation, have a look at MariaDB Reference Manual :: GRANT statement

Finally, leave the client and restart the database server to enable the new user(s):

% systemctl restart mariadb.service


Opencast's official PostgreSQL support is still marked as experimental.

Install PostgreSQL, create a database and a user. You may need to enable password authentication in your pg_hba.conf first. Please refer to the PostgreSQL documentation for more details.

sudo -u postgres psql
postgres=# create database opencast;
postgres=# create user opencast with encrypted password 'opencast_password';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database opencast to opencast;

Step 4: Configure Opencast

The following changes must be made in etc/ Examples are provided for MariaDB and PostgreSQL.

  1. Configure Opencast to use the JDBC driver for MariaDB or PostgreSQL. The MariaDB driver will also work for MySQL.

    # MariaDB
    # PostgreSQL
  2. Configure the host where Opencast will find the database ( and the database name (opencast).

    # MariaDB
    # PostgreSQL
  3. Configure the database username and password.


Step 5: OAI-PMH Database (optional)

The database tables are automatically generated by Opencast when they are needed. One exception to this is the OAI-PMH publication database which requires an additional trigger. Trying to generate the schema automatically will most likely fail.

If you want to use OAI-PMH, you must create the necessary table manually.

Use the following code to generate the OAI-PMH database table on MariaDB/MySQL. PostgreSQL is not yet supported.

CREATE TABLE oc_oaipmh (
  mp_id VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
  organization VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL,
  repo_id VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
  series_id VARCHAR(128),
  deleted tinyint(1) DEFAULT '0',
  modification_date DATETIME DEFAULT NULL,
  mediapackage_xml TEXT(65535) NOT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (mp_id, repo_id, organization),
  CONSTRAINT UNQ_oc_oaipmh UNIQUE (modification_date)

CREATE INDEX IX_oc_oaipmh_modification_date ON oc_oaipmh (modification_date);

-- set to current date and time on insert
CREATE TRIGGER oc_init_oaipmh_date BEFORE INSERT ON `oc_oaipmh`
FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.modification_date = NOW();

-- set to current date and time on update
CREATE TRIGGER oc_update_oaipmh_date BEFORE UPDATE ON `oc_oaipmh`
FOR EACH ROW SET NEW.modification_date = NOW();