YouTube Publication Configuration

This page documents the configuration for Opencast module publication-service-youtube-v3.

Before you start

You need to meet these requirements to make a YouTube Publication:

Google Developers Configuration

Below is a summarized version of Google's quickstart page. If these instructions do not work for you, or are unclear please let us know - Google has a habit of changing its configuration pages and we don't always notice!

Create new Google Project

Save Client ID in JSON Format

Enable API

Enable the publication service

YouTube configuration in Opencast

With the JSON file created and saved previously, you have to proceed as described:

Activate YouTube publication in Opencast

Opencast can now publish to YouTube. The last step is to activate this feature. For this you have to create a new workflow or modify an existing one.


    <input id="publishToYouTube" name="publishToYouTube" type="checkbox" class="configField" value="true"/>


    <input id="retractFromYouTube" type="checkbox" checked="checked" class="configField" value="true" />

Opencast will detect the new workflow without restart, with that you can select the new workflow with the YouTube option enabled.