Core Reference

Engage Core

RequireJS Path


Inherited object functions of the BackboneJS view, see

Added object functions and properties:

Name Parameters Type Description
log(value):void value:String function function to log via the core cross browser
Event:EngageEvent none property Returns the EngageEvent object prototype, the see EngageEvent Object for more information
trigger(event):void event:EngageEvent function triggers an EngageEvent
on(event, handler, context):void event:EngageEvent, handler:function, context:object function install an event handler on a EngageEvent
model:EngageModel none property Returns the singleton engage model for this session, see EngageModel for more information's
getPluginPath(pluginName):String pluginName:String function Returns the absolute path of a plugin by name.

EngageEvent Object

Name Paramters Type Description
EngageEvent(name, description, type) name:String, description:String, type:String constructor Create a new unbound EngageEvent, with a name, description and a type. For Example: var myEvent = new EngageEvent('play', 'plays the video', 'trigger')
getName:String none function Gets the name
getDescription:String none function Gets the description
getType:String none function Gets the Type, can be a "handler", "trigger" or "both"
toString:String none function Build a string that describes the event

Engage Model

Inherited object functions of the BackboneJS model, see, how to use BackboneJS models. This model is a global singleton object and can be used by each plugin to add new models which can be used by another plugin again.

No special functions are added, but the model is filled with some default data. This default data can be used by each plugin, which has a reference to the EngageModel.

Property Name Type Description
pluginsInfo Backbone Model Contains Information's of each plugin
pluginModels Backbone Collection Contains the plugin models
urlParameters Object Contains the data of the URL parameters.

Plugin Object

Each plugin must create and return a object with some properties which are set by the plugin itself. It is recommend to keep a reference to the object because some properties are set by the core after the plugin is processed.

Property Name Type Description
name String Name of the plugin, e.g. "Engage Controls". This property is set by the plugin.
type String Type of the plugin, e.g. "engage_controls", see the plugin table in Architecture for the other plugin types. This property is set by the plugin.
version String Version of plugin. This property is set by the plugin.
styles Array of Strings Array of the paths of css files relative to the static folder of each plugin . This property is set by the plugin.
template String Before the plugin object is returned by the plugin logic, the template property contains the path to the template relative to the static folder. The path property is set first by the plugin. After the plugin object is returned and the Theodul core processed the plugin, the template property is filled with the real template data and can be used to re-render the view.
container String Contains the ID of the HTML div container, which contains the rendered template. This can be used to re-render the view. This property is set by the core.
pluginPath String Contains the absolute path of the plugin. This property is set by the core.
events Object Contains all events which are used of this plugin. Each handled and each triggered event.