Theodul Pass Player - Events

A Theodul Pass Player plugin can trigger and/or subscribe to events.

An event is defined in the events section of the plugin and looks like this:


The event has the event name "MODULE:NAME", the description DESCRIPTION and one of the options "trigger", "handler" or "both" as OPTION. When the plugin just triggers the event, the option is "trigger", when it just handles the events the option is "handler" and when it does both - trigger and handle it - the option is "both".

An event can be triggered via

Engage.trigger(, [parameter(s)]);

and can be subscribed to via

Engage.on(, function () {});

The following list contains all events of the Core + of all official plugins, sorted alphabetically after "Event name" for version 1.0 of Feb 12, 2015.

Currently official plugins are

Name Event name Additional parameters Description Triggered in Handled in
coreInit Core:init Core
plugin_load_done Core:plugin_load_done Core Core, Controls, MHConnection, Notifications, Usertracking, Description, Description (Tab), Slide text (Tab), Shortcuts (Tab), Timeline statistics, Videodisplay
timelineplugin_closed Engage:timelineplugin_closed Note: No "Engage Event", just use as string, example: Engage.on("Engage:timelineplugin_closed", function() {}); when the timeline plugin container closed Core
timelineplugin_opened Engage:timelineplugin_opened Note: No "Engage Event", just use as string, example: Engage.on("Engage:timelineplugin_opened", function() {}); when the timeline plugin container opened Core Timeline statistics
getMediaInfo MhConnection:getMediaInfo MHConnection
getMediaPackage MhConnection:getMediaPackage MHConnection
mediaPackageModelError MhConnection:mediaPackageModelError MHConnection Core, Controls, Notifications, Usertracking, Description, Description (Tab), Slide text (Tab), Shortcuts (Tab), Timeline statistics, Videodisplay
customError Notification:customError msg: The message to display an error occurred Core, Controls, Videodisplay Notifications
customNotification Notification:customNotification msg: The message to display a custom message Videodisplay Notifications
customOKMessage Notification:customOKMessage msg: The message to display a custom message with an OK button Controls Notifications
customSuccess Notification:customSuccess msg: The message to display a custom success message Core, Controls Notifications
segmentMouseout Segment:mouseOut no: Segment number the mouse is off a segment Controls, Slide text (Tab) Controls, Slide text (Tab)
segmentMouseover Segment:mouseOver no: Segment number the mouse is over a segment Controls, Slide text (Tab) Controls, Slide text (Tab)
sliderMousein Slider:mouseIn the mouse entered the slider Controls
sliderMouseout Slider:mouseOut the mouse is off the slider Controls
sliderMousemove Slider:mouseMoved timeInMs: The time on the hovered position in ms the mouse is moving over the slider Controls
sliderStart Slider:start slider started Controls
sliderStop Slider:stop time: The time the slider stopped at slider stopped Controls Videodisplay
aspectRatioSet Video:aspectRatioSet as: (array) as[0] = width, as[1] = height, as[2] = aspect ratio in % the aspect ratio has been calculated Videodisplay Controls
audioCodecNotSupported Video:audioCodecNotSupported when the audio codec seems not to be supported by the browser Videodisplay Notifications
autoplay Video:autoplay autoplay the video Core Videodisplay
bufferedAndAutoplaying Video:bufferedAndAutoplaying buffering successful, was playing, autoplaying now Videodisplay Notifications
bufferedButNotAutoplaying Video:bufferedButNotAutoplaying buffering successful, was not playing, not autoplaying now Videodisplay Notifications
buffering Video:buffering video is buffering Videodisplay Notifications
ended Video:ended triggeredByMaster: Whether or not the event has been triggered by master video ended Videodisplay Controls
fullscreenCancel Video:fullscreenCancel cancel fullscreen Controls, Videodisplay Videodisplay
fullscreenChange Video:fullscreenChange a fullscreen change happened Videodisplay Controls
fullscreenEnable Video:fullscreenEnable enable fullscreen Controls, Core Controls, Videodisplay
isAudioOnly Video:isAudioOnly audio: true if audio only, false else whether it's audio only or not Videodisplay Controls, Notifications
initialSeek Video:initialSeek time: The time to seek to Seeks initially after all plugins have been loaded after a short delay Core Videodisplay
mute Video:mute mute Videodisplay Videodisplay
muteToggle Video:muteToggle toggle mute and unmute Core Videodisplay
nextChapter Video:nextChapter Core
numberOfVideodisplaysSet Video:numberOfVideodisplaysSet no: Number of videodisplays the number of videodisplays has been set Videodisplay
pause Video:pause triggeredByMaster: Whether or not the event has been triggered by master pauses the video
Core, Controls, Videodisplay Controls, Videodisplay
play Video:play triggeredByMaster: Whether or not the event has been triggered by master plays the video Core, Controls, Videodisplay Controls,Videodisplay
playPause Video:playPause Core Videodisplay
previousChapter Video:previousChapter Core
playbackRateChanged Video:playbackRateChanged rate: The video playback rate (0.0-x, default: 1.0) The video playback rate changed Controls Controls, Videodisplay
playbackRateIncrease Video:playbackRateIncrease Core Videodisplay
playbackRateDecrease Video:playbackRateDecrease Core Videodisplay
playerLoaded Video:playerLoaded player loaded successfully Videodisplay
ready Video:ready all videos loaded successfully Videodisplay Controls, Notifications
seek Video:seek time: Current time in seconds seek video to a given position in seconds Core, Controls, Slide text (Tab) Videodisplay
seekLeft Video:seekLeft Core Videodisplay
seekRight Video:seekRight Core Videodisplay
synchronizing Video:synchronizing synchronizing videos with the master video Videodisplay
timeupdate Video:timeupdate time: Current time in seconds, triggeredByMaster: Whether or not the event has been triggered by master a timeupdate happened Videodisplay Controls, Usertracking
qualitySet Video:qualitySet quality: the quality that has been set a video quality has been set Controls Videodisplay
unmute Video:unmute unmute Controls Controls
usingFlash Video:usingFlash flash: true if flash is being used, false else flash is being used Videodisplay Controls
videoFormatsFound Video:videoFormatsFound format: array of video formats if different video formats (qualities) have been found Videodisplay Controls
volumechange Video:volumechange vol: Current volume (0 is off (muted), 1.0 is all the way up, 0.5 is half way) a volume change happened Videodisplay
volumeDown Video:volumeDown Core Controls
volumeGet Video:volumeGet callback: A callback function with the current volume as a parameter get the volume Videodisplay
volumeSet Video:volumeSet percentAsDecimal: Volume to set (0 is off (muted), 1.0 is all the way up, 0.5 is half way) set the volume Controls Controls, Videodisplay
volumeUp Video:volumeUp Core Controls