Data Types

This page defines data types that are commonly used by many External API requests. The page is divided in several sections that start with general information about how the types are supposed to work.


This section defines basic data types used in the External API specification.

Type Description
string An UTF-8 encoded string
boolean true or false
integer An integer number, i.e. [-][0-9]+[0-9]*


This section describes extended data types used in the External API specification.


The External API makes use of JSON arrays often. We indicate the element type in the brackets, e.g. array[string].

The empty array [] is allowed.


["String1", "String2"]


The External API makes use of JSON objects.

The empty object {} might be allowed.


  "myObject1": {
    "key": "value";
  "myObject2": {
    "array": [1, 2, 3]
  "valid": false


This data type indicates that a file is needed as parameter.


Opencast uses flavors to locate tracks, attachments and catalogs associated to events. Flavors have a type and a subtype and are written in the form type + "/" + subtype.

flavor ::= type + "/" + subtype whereas both type and subtype consist of ([a-z][A-Z][1-9])+([a-z][A-Z][1-9][+-])*




Opencast often uses sets of key-value pairs to associate properties to objects. The External API uses JSON objects to represent those properties. Both the name of the JSON object field and its value are of type string.


  "key": "value",
  "live": "true"

Date and Time

Type Encoding Description
date ISO 8601 Date
datetime ISO 8601 Date and Time






Recurrence Rule

To define a set of recurring events within a given time period, Opencast uses recurrence rules.

For more details about reccurrence rules, please refer to the Internet Calendaring and Scheduling Core Object Specification (iCalendar).



Please note that BYHOUR is specified in UTC.

Metadata Catalogs

The External API is designed to take full advantage of the powerful metadata facilities of Opencast.

Opencast distinguishes between bibliographic metadata and technical metadata:

For events and series, Opencast manages bibliographic metadata in metadata catalogs. There are two kind of metadata catalogs:

While the extended metadata can be fully configured, the default metadata catalogs are supposed to hold a minimum set of defined metadata fields.

As the metadata catalogs are configurable, the External API provides means of gathering the metadata catalog configuration.

This is done by "/api/events/{event_id}/metadata" and "/api/series/{series_id}/metdata". Those requests return self-describing metadata catalogs that do not just contain the values of all metadata fields but also a list of available metadata fields and their configuration.

Note that the Opencast configuration defines which metadata catalogs are available for events and series.

The following sections define data types that are used to manage metadata catalogs.


Each metadata catalogs has a list of metadata fields that is described as array of JSON objects with the following fields:

Field Optional Type Description
id no string Technical identifier of the metadata field
value no string Current value of the metadata field
label no string Displayable name of the metadata field (i18n)
type no string Type of the metadata field
readOnly no boolean Whether this metadata field is read-only
required no boolean Whether this metadata field is mandatory
collection yes string Pre-defined list of values as JSON object
translatable yes boolean Whether the field value supports i18n


    "readOnly": false,
    "id": "title",
    "type": "text",
    "value": "Test Event Title",
    "required": true
    "translatable": true,
    "readOnly": false,
    "id": "language",
    "type": "text",
    "value": "",
    "required": false
    "translatable": true,
    "readOnly": false,
    "id": "license",
    "type": "text",
    "value": "",
    "required": false


To modifiy values of metadata catalogs, a JSON array with JSON objects contained the following fields is used:

Field Required Description
id yes The technical identifier of the metadata field
value yes The value of the metadata field


    "id": "title",
    "value": "Captivating title - edited"
    "id": "creator",
    "value": ["John Clark", "Thiago Melo Costa"]
    "id": "description",
    "value": "A great description - edited"


Besides the metadata configuration, the full metadata catalog configuration includes some additional fields describing the catalog itself:

Field Type Description
label string Displayable name of the metadata catalog
flavor string The flavor of the metadata catalog
fields fields An array of JSON objects describing the metadata field configurations of the metadata catalogs


    "flavor": "dublincore/episode",
    "fields": [
        "readOnly": false,
        "id": "title",
        "type": "text",
        "value": "Test 1",
        "required": true


The metadata configuration including all metadata catalogs of a given objects is returned as JSON array whereas its elements are of type catalog.


    "flavor": "dublincore/episode",
    "fields": [
        "readOnly": false,
        "id": "title",
        "type": "text",
        "value": "Test 1",
        "required": true
        "readOnly": false,
        "id": "subjects",
        "type": "text",
        "value": [],
        "required": false
        "readOnly": false,
        "id": "description",
        "type": "text_long",
        "value": "",
        "required": false

Access Control Lists

Opencast uses access control lists (ACL) to manage permissions of objects. Each access control list is associated to exactly one object and consists of a list of access control entries (ACE). The access control entries are a list of triples <role, action, allow> which read like "Users with role role are allowed to perform action action on the associate object if allow is true".

Opencast defines the following ACL actions:

Action Description
read Read access
write Write access

Depending on the configuration of Opencast, there can be additional ACL actions.


The access control entries are represented as JSON objects with the following fields:

ACE field Required Type Description
role yes string The role this ACE affects
action yes string The actions this ACE affects
allow yes boolean Whether role is allowed to perform the action


    "allow": true,
    "action": "write",
    "role": "ROLE_ADMIN"


The access control lists are represented as JSON arrays with element type ace.


    "allow": true,
    "action": "write",
    "role": "ROLE_ADMIN"
    "allow": true,
    "action": "read",
    "role": "ROLE_USER"



The retry strategy of a workflow operation definition in case of an error. The following values are possible:

Value Description
none no retry
retry restart the operation
hold keep the operation in hold state


The state the workflow instance is currently in. The following values are possible:

Value Description
instantiated The workflow instance was instantiated, but is not yet running
running The workflow instance is running
stopped The workflow instance was stopped
paused The workflow instance was paused
succeeded The workflow instance has succeeded
failed The workflow instance has failed
failing The workflow instance has failed and is currently running the error handling workflow


The state the workflow operation instance is currently in. The following values are possible:

Value Description
instantiated The workflow operation instance was instantiated, but is not yet running
running The workflow operation instance is running
paused The workflow operation instance was paused
succeeded The workflow operation instance has succeeded
failed The workflow operation instance has failed
skipped The workflow operation instance was skipped
retry The workflow operation instance has failed and a retry is currently running


The workflow operation_definition entries are represented as JSON objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
operation string The operation of this workflow operation definition
description string The description of this workflow operation definition
configuration property The configuration for this workflow operation definition
if string The condition of this workflow operation definition that is required to be true for this operation to be executed
unless string The condition of this workflow operation definition that is required to be false for this operation to be executed
fail_workflow_on_error boolean Whether an error during this workflow operation definition fails the workflow
error_handler_workflow string The identifier of the exception handler workflow of this workflow operation definition
retry_strategy workflow_retry_strategy The retry strategy of this workflow operation definition in case of an error
max_attempts integer The number of attempts made to execute this workflow operation definition


The workflow operation_instance entries are represented as JSON objects with the following fields:

Field Type Description
identifier integer The unique identifier of this workflow operation instance (equals the job identifier)
operation string The operation of this workflow operation instance
description string The description of this workflow operation instance
configuration property The configuration for this workflow operation instance
state workflow_operation_state The state of this workflow operation instance
start datetime The start date and time of this workflow operation instance
completion datetime The completion date and time of this workflow operation instance
time_in_queue integer The number of milliseconds this workflow operation instance waited in a service queue
host string The host that executed this workflow operation instance
if string The condition of this workflow operation instance that is required to be true for this operation to be executed
unless string The condition of this workflow operation instance that is required to be false for this operation to be executed
fail_workflow_on_error boolean Whether an error during this workflow operation instance fails the workflow
error_handler_workflow string The identifier of the exception handler workflow of this workflow operation instance
retry_strategy workflow_retry_strategy The retry strategy of this workflow operation instance in case of an error
max_attempts integer The number of attempts made to execute this workflow operation instance
failed_attempts integer The number of failed attempts to execute this workflow operation instance



The Statistics endpoint can list the available statistics providers. Optionally, the endpoint provides information about supported data query parameters using this JSON object.

Field Type Description
name string The name of the parameter to be used in requests
type string The type of this parameter to be used in requests
optional boolean Whether the parameter must be specified in queries
values array Values to be used for enumeration types (only for type enumeration)

The following types are available:

Type Description
string UTF-8 encoded string
date ISO 8601 encoded date
datetime ISO 8601 encoded date and time
integer An integer number, i.e. [-][0-9]+[0-9]*
boolean true or false
enumeration One of the values provided by the field values