Attach Watson Transcription Workflow Operation

ID: attach-watson-transcription


The attach Watson transcription operation converts the results file received from the IBM Watson Speech-to-Text service in json format, converts it to the desired caption format, and adds it to the media package.

Parameter Table

configuration keys description default value example
transcription-job-id This is filled out by the transcription service when starting the workflow. EMPTY Should always be "${transcriptionJobId}"
target-flavor The flavor of the caption/transcription file generated. Mandatory only if target-caption-format not informed. captions/target-caption-format+language captions/vtt+en
target-tag The tag to apply to the caption/transcription file generated. Optional. EMPTY archive
target-caption-format The caption format to be generated. Optional. If not entered, the raw resulting file will be attached to the media package with the flavor target-flavor. EMPTY vtt


<!-- Attach caption/transcript -->
<operation id="attach-watson-transcription"
    description="Attach captions/transcription">
    <!-- This is filled out by the transcription service when starting this workflow so just use this as is -->
    <configuration key="transcription-job-id">${transcriptionJobId}</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tag">archive</configuration>
    <!-- Caption generated will have the default flavor based on the target-caption-format and language e.g. captions/vtt+en -->
    <configuration key="target-caption-format">vtt</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tag">engage-download</configuration>

<!-- Merge caption/transcript to existing publication and republish -->
<operation id="publish-engage"
    description="Distribute and publish to engage server">
    <configuration key="download-source-tags">engage-download</configuration>
    <configuration key="strategy">merge</configuration>
    <configuration key="check-availability">true</configuration>