Microsoft Azure Start Transcription Workflow Operation

ID: microsoft-azure-start-transcription


Microsoft Azure Start Transcription invokes the Azure Speech-to-Text service by passing a file with an audio track to be translated to text.

Parameter Table

configuration keys description default value example
source-flavor The flavor of the file to be sent for translation. EMPTY presenter/delivery
source-tag The flavor of the file to be sent for translation. EMPTY transcript
skip-if-flavor-exists If this flavor already exists in the media package, skip this operation.
To be used when the media package already has a transcript file. Optional
false captions/vtt+en-us
language-code The language code to use for the transcription. Optional. If set, it will override the configuration language code EMPTY en-US, supported languages
auto-detect-language Activate automatic language detection by Azure. Optional. Overrides the language set in language-code. If set, will override the value in the configuration false true
auto-detect-languages A list of language codes. MUST be set if not set already in service configuration. The Azure language auto detection chooses from the given list and cannot detect any language not in the given list. The list needs to have at least one element and can have at most four elements. EMPTY en-US,de-DE,it-IT

One of source-flavor or source-tag must be specified.


    <!-- Start Microsoft Azure transcription job -->
        description="Start Microsoft Azure transcription job">
        <!--  Skip this operation if flavor already exists. Used for cases when mediapackage already has captions. -->
        <configuration key="skip-if-flavor-exists">captions/vtt+de-DE</configuration>
        <configuration key="language-code">de-DE</configuration>
        <configuration key="source-flavor">presenter/prepared</configuration>
    <!-- Start Microsoft Azure transcription job, auto detect language -->
        description="Start Microsoft Azure transcription job">
        <configuration key="auto-detect-language">true</configuration>
        <configuration key="auto-detect-languages">es-ES,fr-FR,nl-NL,ja-JP</configuration>