Release Manager Guide

The single most important duty of release managers is to keep an eye on their release, notify the community about possible problems in a timely manner and encourage community members to help out if needed. While working on Opencast's code is often done as well during the release process, for release managers this is secondary to the communication and management role and with few exceptions no requirement for this position.

The community has a number of expectations for release managers, and their handling of the problems which may arise during the release cycle. The core of these expectations are:

This means that release managers may need to force decisions around the release, help negotiate the acceptance or rejection of contributions and provide regular updates about the release on list and during the technical and adopter meetings. It is important to note that, while release managers drive the release process, the committer body is in charge of both the work and the decision making, meaning that votes and successful proposals from this body take precedence over release manager decisions.

This is a recommendation of best practices to help to organize the duties of the release managers after they have been choosen these recomendations came from the experience of past release managers.

After the election of the release manager

After the end or begining of each month

After the end of translation week


While a general rule is certainly just to look out for the release, work together with the community to make the release work properly and be pragmatic about the process, there are a few tasks which really can only be done by release managers.

For all of these tasks, it's generally a good idea to look at previous releases and at their solutions for the tasks. Often, completing the task is simply a matter of repeating or updating previous work (e.g. advance the previous release schedule by six months).

Release Notes

It's usually a good idea to create or clean the release notes page early in the release cycle. This allows for a place to put the release schedule, short descriptions of features or noteworthy configuration changes early on.

Upgrade script

In general, everyone assumes someone else is testing the upgrade guides and scripts. That means it's your job to take a quick peek every one in a while and make sure that they work. Things to think about:

The Release Schedule

Releases should happen twice a year, usually within a time span of 6 months between the cut of the previous release branch and the final release. The release managers should create a release schedule as soon as possible, announce it on list and publish it on the release notes page.

Release Branch

According to the set release schedule, at one point a release branch should be cut, effectively marking a feature freeze for a given release. This branch is split off develop and should be named r/N.x (e.g. r/6.x for the Opencast 6 release branch).

Example on how to create the Opencast 7 release branch:

  1. Check out develop and make sure it has the latest state (replace <remote> with your remote name for the community repository):

    git checkout develop
    git pull <remote> develop
  2. Modify the Paella target branch (For Paella 6.x and 7.x), found in the dependabot configuration file .github/dependabot.yml to target the latest supported version when this version will released.

    - package-ecosystem: npm
      directory: "/modules/engage-paella-player-7"
      interval: daily
      target-branch: "r/12.x"
      open-pull-requests-limit: 10
    - package-ecosystem: npm
      directory: "/modules/engage-paella-player-7"
      interval: daily
      target-branch: "r/13.x"
      open-pull-requests-limit: 10

make a PR then merge this change to develop branch.

  1. Make sure you did not modify any files. If you did, stash those changes:

    git status   # check for modified files
    git stash    # stash them if necessary
  2. Create and push the new release branch:

    git checkout -b r/7.x
    git push <remote> r/7.x
  3. That is it for the release branch. Now update the versions in develop in preparation for the next release:

    git checkout develop
    ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=8-SNAPSHOT versions:commit
  4. Have a look at the changes. Make sure that nothing else was modified:

    git diff
    git status | grep modified: | grep -v pom.xml   # this should have no output
  5. If everything looks fine, commit the changes and push it to the community repository:

    git add $(git status | grep 'modified:.*pom.xml' | awk '{print $2;}')
    git commit -s -m 'Bumping pom.xml Version Numbers'
    git push <remote> develop

At this point, the developer community should then be notified by writing an email like the following to the developers list:

Subject: Release Branch for Opencast <version> Cut

Hi everyone,
the Opencast <version> release branch (r/<version>.x) has been
cut.  Please check if pull requests point to the correct branch.

For a guide on what you can still add to release branches, please refer to

Remember the release schedule for this release:


As always, we hope to have a lot of people testing this
version, especially during the public QA phase. Please
report any bugs or issues you encounter.

For testing, you may use if you
do not want to set up a test server yourself. The server is
reset on a daily basis and will follow the new release
branch with its next rebuild.

Additionally, look out for announcements regarding container
and package builds for testing on list if you want to run
your own system but do not want to build Opencast from

Status of Translations

After the release branch is cut, the release managers should check if there are languages to be in- or excluded for the upcoming release as specified by the criteria in the localization documentation and notify the community about the status of Opencast's translations if necessary.

Example announcement for included languages:

Subject: Opencast <VERSION>: Translation Status

Hi everyone,
while checking the translation statuses of the languages
available on Crowdin[1], we have found that the following
languages meet the criteria to be included in Opencast

- ....

[1] Opencast on Crowdin
[2] Inclusion and exclusion of translations

Example announcement for endangered languages:

Subject: Opencast <VERSION>: <LANGUAGE> Translation Endangered

Hi everyone,
while checking the <LANGUAGE> translation status of
Opencast, we have found that it is only <PERCENTAGE>

This is not enough to justify its inclusion in the upcoming
Opencast release[1], meaning that the <LANGUAGE> translation
is in danger of being removed in Opencast <VERSION> if its
status stays the same.

To save the <LANGUAGE> translation from removal, it needs to
be translated at least 90% before <DATE>.

Your Opencast <VERSION> Release Managers

[1] Inclusion and Exclusion of Translations

A specific translation week may be announced using an email like this:

Subject: Opencast <version>: Translation Week

Hi everyone,
starting on <date> the Opencast <version> translation week
will take place, during which we particular focus on
improving Opencast's translations.

Can I help?

Everybody that speaks a different language or dialect and
feels confident enough to participate can participate.

How can I help?

We use Crowdin [1] to manage translations. Please sign up
and request to help with a particular language.

What is the current status?

Fully translated:

- …

Mostly translated (>80% translated):

- …

Endangered translations (≤80% translated):

- …

Note that we can add any additional languages you are
willing to translate.

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate
to ask.


Moderation of Peer Reviews

Release managers should regularly check open pull requests for possible problems (no reviewers, discussions in need of moderation, issues that should be raised to community awareness, …) and bring these up in the technical meeting, on the developer list or wherever appropriate.

Merging Release Branches

To not have to merge bug fixes into several branches and create several pull requests, the release branch should be merged down on a regular basis. Assuming, for example, that r/6.x is the latest release branch, merges should happen like this:

r/5.x → r/6.x → develop

While any committer may do this at any time, it is good practice for release managers to do this for their release branches on a regular basis.

For example, to merge the latest release branch into develop, follow these steps:

  1. Update your local repository

    git fetch <remote>
  2. Update develop:

    git checkout develop
    git merge <remote>/develop   # this should be a fast-forward merge
  3. Merge the release branch. Note that if large merge conflicts arise, you may ask for help from the people creating the problematic patches:

    git merge <remote>/r/6.x
  4. Push the updated branch into the community repository:

    git push <remote> develop

Updating Translations

Updating the localization translations is automated for existing translation files. If new files need to be added, it is something that should happen early during the release process. If files need to be removed, this needs to be done manually.


The following steps outline the necessary steps for cutting the final release:

  1. Switch to and update your release branch and ensure the latest state of the previous release branch is merged:

    git checkout r/6.x
    git fetch <remote>
    git merge <remote>/r/6.x
    git merge <remote>/r/5.x
  2. Add the release notes, and update the changelog. The create-changelog helper script is a convenient tool for this.

    cd docs/guides/admin/docs/
    git commit -S -m 'Updated Release Notes'
    git push <remote> r/6.x
  3. Switch to a new branch to create the release (name does not really matter):

    git checkout -b tmp-6.0
  4. Make the version changes for the release:

    ./mvnw versions:set -DnewVersion=6.0 versions:commit
  5. Have a look at the changes. Make sure that nothing else was modified:

    git diff
    git status | grep modified: | grep -v pom.xml   # this should yield no output
  6. Commit the changes and create a release tag:

    git add $(git status | grep 'modified:.*pom.xml' | awk '{print $2;}')
    git commit -S -m 'Opencast 6.0'
    git tag -s 6.0
  7. Push the tag to the community repository (you can remove the branch afterwards):

    git push <remote> 6.0:6.0
  8. Check the “Create new release” GitHub Actions workflow. It will automatically build and upload the release tarballs and create a new release draft. Once it is finished, review the draft, adjust the description and publish the release.

If the workflow fails, investigate what was going wrong and either restart the workflow or create the release manually in the GitHub user interface.

  1. Check that the release is published on Maven Central. This can take some time, and is done via Buildbot. If in doubt, ask the QA Coordinator to check. If you need to do this yourself please read the infra documentation.

Finally, send a release notice to Opencast's announcement list. Note that posting to this list is restricted to those who need access to avoid general discussions on that list. In case you do not already have permissions to post on this list, please ask to be given permission. For the message, you may use the following template:

Subject: Opencast <VERSION> Released

Hi everyone,
it is my pleasure to announce that Opencast <VERSION> has
been released:

The documentation for this release can be found at:<VERSION>/admin/

RPM and Debian packages as well as Docker images will be
available soon. Watch for announcements on the users list.

To all committers and involved contributors, thank you for
all your work. This could not have happened without you and
I am glad we were able to work together and get this release

Appointment of Next Release Manager

After the release branch is cut, all work on develop is effectively the preparation for the next release. At this point, the release managers should send an inquiry to the development list to identify volunteers for the next release.

For that, this email template may be used:

Subject: Opencast <NEXT_RELEASE> release managers wanted

Hi everyone,
the Opencast community is looking for release managers for
the upcoming <NEXT_RELEASE> (Feature freeze around <DATE>,
release around <DATE>).

Note that the release manager's job contains very little
technical work. Instead, they mostly focus on motivation and
coordination of the community during the release phase. The
role of release managers is described in more detail in the
Opencast development documentation:

In the past, it has proven good practice to have two people
fill this job as co-release managers to help keep up the
process during vacation, sickness and in case of local

I am looking forward to your applications on list, please
voice your interest until <DATE_ROUGHLY_2_WEEKS_IN_THE_FUTURE>.

In the case where someone steps up and offers to fill in the role of a release manager for the upcoming release, a vote is held on the committers list to determine whether the candidates are deemed suitable for the position.

This email template may be used to initiate the vote:

Subject: [#vote] Vote on Release Managers of Opencast <NEXT_RELEASE>

Hi everyone,
I am happy to announce that the following community members
have volunteered themselves for the position of the Opencast
<NEXT_RELEASE> release manager and have expressed the
intention of sharing the position:


I hereby open the vote on accepting them for this position.
The vote will be open for the coming 72h.

Once the voting is complete, the result should be announced on the development list:

As an example:

Subject: Release Managers of Opencast <NEXT_RELEASE>

Hi everyone,
it is my pleasure to announce that the following people have
been elected to be the release managers for the upcoming
Opencast <NEXT_RELEASE> release:


We wish to thank them for volunteering, and hope the release
goes smoothly!