Configurable AWS/S3 Publish Workflow Operation

ID: publish-configure-aws


The ConfigurableAWSS3PublishWorkflowOperationHandler will distribute the given elements to AWS S3 and create a publication element for them. By default, it will retract all published download elements before publishing anew.

Parameter Table

These are the keys that can be configured for this operation in the workflow definition. At least one media package element must match the supplied source-flavors or source-tags or else the operation will not know what to publish. The channel-id and url-pattern are also mandatory.

Key Description Example Default
channel-id Id of the channel to publish to internal
mimetype Mime type of the published element text/html Type of last distributed element
download-source-flavors Flavors of the download media package elements to publish */trimmed
download-source-tags Tags of the download media package elements to publish engage-download
url-pattern Pattern to create the URI for the published from ftp://…/${event_id}
with-published-elements Use the current contents of the media package instead of publishing elements to a channel true
check-availability Check if the media is reachable after publication false false
strategy Strategy for when there is already published material fail retract
mode How elements are distributed mixed bulk


The configuration key mode can be used to control how media package elements are being distributed:

Mode Description
single For each media package element, a job is created
mixed One job for all media package elements that are not tracks and one job per track
bulk One job for all media package elements

This allows you to choose a lot of jobs and parallelism (single), just one job and no parallelism (bulk) or something in between (mixed). The best choice depends on your setup.

URL Pattern Variables

These are the variables available in the url-pattern configuration. They will be replaced with the value during the execution of the workflow operation.

Variable Description Example
${event_id} The event (media package) identifier 18633e04-1a3f-4bbb-a72a-99c15deba1b9
${player_path} The player path for the event /paella/ui/watch.html?id=
${publication_id} The id of this publication. 54f6c12d-8e68-4ec8-badf-cd045b33d01e
${series_id} The id of the series if available 36f3c5d8-ad4d-4dab-beb1-1400ffab4a69

The organization properties are also available and can be accessed with the org_ prefix followed by the property name, eg. ${org_player} will be replaced by the value of the organization property named player.

Note some organization properties contain an . (period) in their name (e.g. org.opencastproject.external.api.url). As this character have an special meaning in the FreeMarker library (used for substitution), all occurrences are replaced with _ (underscore).

Additional to the organization properties you can use org_id, org_name, org_admin_role and org_anonymous_role as well.

Publication Channel Labels and Icons

Using this workflow operation, you can create arbitrary custom publication channels. Without further action, the administrative user interface will label these channels "Custom". You can specify both a label and an icon for each custom publication channels in the configuration files etc/listproviders/ and etc/listproviders/

Operation Example

Publish to internal channel:

    description="Publish to internal channel using AWS S3">
    <configuration key="source-tags">engage</configuration>
    <configuration key="channel-id">internal</configuration>
    <configuration key="url-pattern">http://localhost:8080/admin-ng/index.html#/events/events/${event_id}/tools/playback</configuration>

Publish to external API:

    description="Publish to external api publication channel using AWS S3">
    <configuration key="channel-id">api</configuration>
    <configuration key="mimetype">application/json</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-tags">engage-download</configuration>
    <configuration key="url-pattern">${event_id}</configuration>
    <configuration key="check-availability">true</configuration>