Load Configuration

This guide will help you to set up the load configuration settings which are strongly recommended for each Opencast installation. These settings control how many jobs are running on your various hardware nodes. These settings can be left at their defaults initially, but as your installation grows you will likely wish to fine-tune these to get the best performance you can out of your hardware.

Background: What is a load value

Every job obviously imposes a certain amount of load on its processing system, the question is how can we quantify this? The settings this document will walk you through are estimates of the load placed on your system(s) by each job type. This means that every individual instance of that job type will count for a certain amount of load, and Opencast will refuse to process more than a certain configurable amount of load at any given time on a given node. These loads are tracked on a per-node basis, so a job running on one node imposes no load on another.

As an example, say we have a worker with 8 cores. With Opencast 1.x all jobs, even expensive jobs like encoding, had an effective load value of 1.0. This meant that Opencast would schedule up to 8 encodes on worker 1! Obviously this is not ideal, since most encoding jobs consume multiple cores. Since Opencast 2.1 you can now specify on an encoding profile level how much load is imposed on a node. Likewise, all other jobs (video segmentation, publishing, etc) also now have configurable loads.

Job loads can be any floating point value between 0.0, and Java's MAXFLOAT. Fractional loads are supported, since many of the jobs that Opencast spawns as a regular part of its workflows are very small. There is no sanity checking for the configured loads, aside from assuring they are not negative. This means that improperly set load values can cause deadlocks! Fortunately, this is easy to fix. See Troubleshooting for more details.

Step 1: Determine your load values

This is a very subjective process, but is arguably the most important: How much load does each job and encoding profile add to your system? We have tried our best to set useful loads for each job, however these are only estimates. If your installation has, for example, hardware assisted encoding then your encoding jobs may be very inexpensive. In general, it is safe to assume that the first load value from the output of uptime is a good estimate of the load imposed by a job.

Note: These job loads are specific for each node in the cluster. This means that for any given job, each node can have a different load value associated. For instance, if worker A has no job load specified for its encoding profiles, and worker B has job loads specified then any encoding jobs created by A will have the default load (1.5), and jobs created by B will have a different, presumably higher load. There are edge cases where this may be useful, but in most cases this will only cause confusion. It is therefore highly recommended that these settings be put into your configuration management system, and be applied on a cluster level to ensure consistency across all nodes.

Step 2: Setting the load values for system jobs

Each Opencast instance has its own maximum load. By default this is set to the number of CPU cores present in the system. If you wish to change this, set the org.opencastproject.server.maxload key in config.properties to the maximum load you want this node to accept. Keep in mind that exceeding the number of CPU cores present in the system is not recommended.

The load values for the non-encoding jobs are set in the configuration files in the etc directory. Search this directory for files that contain the string job.load to find the relevant configuration keys. These configuration keys control the load for each job type. For example, the job.load.download.distribute configuration key controls the load placed on the system when a download distribution job is running.

Note: Ingest jobs are a special case in Opencast. Because of their immediate nature there is no way to limit the number of running jobs. However, these jobs will block other jobs from running on the ingest/admin nodes if enough ingests running concurrently.

Step 3: Setting the load values for encoding profiles

Each encoding profile can have a load value associated with it. By default, we have not set any, which means that the default value of 1.5 is used. To set the load associated with a profile, you simply add a .jobload key to the profile. For example, the composite encoding profile is prefixed with profile.composite.http. If we want to set a different job load than the default, we would create the profile.composite.http.jobload key, and set it to an appropriate job value.

Step 4: Restart Opencast

Many of these configuration files are only read on startup, so restarting Opencast is strongly recommended.


Help, my system has deadlocked, or there are jobs which are always queued even if the system is otherwise idle

This can be caused by setting a job weight that exceeds the maximum load for all services of a given type. For example, if you have a single worker with 8 cores and set an encoding job to have a jobload of 9. Fortunately, there is a simple resolution to this issue. Jobs which have already been created do not update their load values, even after restarting Opencast. To resolve a deadlock caused by job loads follow these instructions. First determine the queued job's ID from the admin UI. This will be an integer greater than zero. We will call this $jobid. Once you have the job ID, follow these steps: