Paella player plugins

Almost every paella feature is a plugin that can be enabled/disabled by each organization. You need to modify the plugins section of the paella config file.

To enable/disable a plugin you need to set the plugin enable property to true/false.


  "plugins": {
    "list": {
      "org.opencast.paella.downloadsPlugin": {
        "enabled": true

Plugins provided by Paella player

To view a full list of plugins, see the the paella documentation page

Plugins provided by Opencast

The paella bundle for Opencast comes with a list of plugins to integrate with Opencast

Plugin Description
org.opencast.paella.cookieconsent Adds a cookie consent banner to comply with international privacy laws.
org.opencast.paella.descriptionPlugin Adds a panel with the video description information.
org.opencast.paella.downloadsPlugin Adds a panel to download the videos.
org.opencast.paella.editorPlugin Adds a button to be access to the episode editor.
org.opencast.paella.episodesFromSeries Show a list of videos in the same series.
org.opencast.paella.loginPlugin Adds a button to be able to login.
org.opencast.paella.opencast.userTrackingDataPlugin Allows to use Opencast usertracking service to track usage data.
org.opencast.paella.matomo.userTrackingDataPlugin Allows to use Matomo service to track usage data.
org.opencast.paella.transcriptionsPlugin Adds a panel to show the OCR transcriptions.
org.opencast.paella.versionButton Adds a button to show the player version.