Security Configuration

This document will help you configure the Opencast security policy.


Opencast service endpoints and user interfaces are secured by default using a set of servlet filters. The following diagram illustrates the flow of an HTTP request and response through these filters.


The Spring Security filters used here are very powerful, but are also somewhat complicated. Please familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and vocabulary described in the Spring Security documentation, then edit the xml files in etc/security, as described below.

Configure Access

To configure access roles and URL patterns for a tenant, modify etc/security/<tenant_identifier.xml>. If you are not hosting multiple tenants on your Opencast server or cluster, all configuration should be done in mh_default_org.xml.

Some examples:

<!-- Allow anonymous access to the welcome.html URLs -->
<sec:intercept-url pattern='/welcome.html' access='ROLE_ANONYMOUS,ROLE_USER'/>

<!-- Allow anonymous GET to the search service, but not POST or PUT -->
<sec:intercept-url pattern='/search/**' method="GET" access='ROLE_ANONYMOUS,ROLE_USER' />

<!-- Allow users with the admin role to do anything -->
<sec:intercept-url pattern='/**' access='ROLE_ADMIN'/>

Authentication Provider

Opencast specifies an AuthenticationProvider by default, using a UserDetailService that is obtained from the OSGI service registry.

You can use this simple provider as is, loading users into the oc_user and oc_role database tables, and specifying an administrative username and password in

User and Role Providers

Opencast allows user and role information to be supplied from external systems through user and role providers. Four user providers are available by default:

The set of user and role providers can be configured. If you do not want to keep users and passwords in Opencast's database, you can replace the JpaUserAndRoleProvider with the LdapUserProvider by replacing the userdirectory-jpa jar with the userdirectory-ldap jar.

Further Authentication Configuration