Using this requires you to turn on an Opencast plugin. Take a look at the plugin management documentation to find out how you can do that.

What it does

The Canvas LMS User Provider enriches Opencast users with a set of roles made up of the user's membership in Canvas sites, of the form SITEID_Role. For example, an Opencast user who is also a Canvas user and a member of the Canvas site CourseID with the Canvas role Student will be granted the Opencast role CourseID_Learner.

The mapping of Canvas sites and roles to Opencast roles is consistent with the site and role mapping used by the LTI endpoint. The Canvas User Provider can therefore be used with LTI or another method of authenticating users.

The Canvas Role Provider allows Canvas site and role combinations to be used in Event and Series ACLs. For example, the role CourseID_Learner can be added to a Series ACL to grant access to the Series to members of the CourseID site in Canvas.


The Canvas User Provider requires a token of a user who has at least the following permissions of an account role in a Canvas instance.

Step 1

Edit etc/org.opencastproject.plugin.impl.PluginManagerImpl and make sure the opencast-plugin-userdirectory-canvas plugin is enabled.

Step 2

To enable the Canvas User Provider, copy and rename the bundled configuration template from OPENCAST/etc/org.opencastproject.userdirectory.canvas.CanvasUserRoleProvider.cfg.template to OPENCAST/etc/org.opencastproject.userdirectory.canvas.CanvasUserRoleProvider.cfg

Edit the configuration file to set your Canvas URL, and the token of the admin user:

# The URL and login token for Canvas LMS

Step 3

Verify that the Canvas User Provider starts up with the correct Canvas URL by looking for a log entry like this:

(CanvasUserRoleProvider:116) - Activating CanvasUserRoleProvider(url=, cacheSize=1000, cacheExpiration=60, instructorRoles=[teacher, ta], ignoredUserNames=[admin, anonymous]

Then login to Opencast using a username which also exists in your Canvas system. Verify the roles granted to the user by opening the URL OPENCAST-URL/info/me.json in a new browser tab.

If necessary, you can increase the logging detail from the Canvas user provider by adding an entry to OPENCAST/etc/org.ops4j.pax.logging.cfg: = org.opencastproject.userdirectory.canvas
log4j2.logger.canvas.level = DEBUG

Step 4

You can use the group role name ROLE_GROUP_CANVAS in Event or Series ACLs for all Canvas users and ROLE_GROUP_CANVAS_INSTRUCTOR for all Canvas instructors.