AmberScript Start Transcription Workflow Operation

ID: amberscript-start-transcription


The AmberScript Start Transcription operation invokes the AmberScript transcription service by submitting an audio or video file to be transcribed and captioned.

Parameter Table

configuration keys description default example
source-tag A tag selecting the audio or video file to be sent for translation/transcription. - engage-download
source-flavor A flavor selecting the audio or video file to be sent for translation/transcription. - */themed
jobtype direct (automated, fast) or perfect (additional manual improvements, slow). direct perfect
language The assumed language for transcription. en nl
speaker The number of speakers in the recording. 1 2
transcriptiontype transcription, captions or translatedSubtitles transcription captions
glossary An ID of a custom glossary to use. - 643966c3f3e91e0c96e9e060
transcriptionstyle cleanread or verbatim cleanread verbatim
targetlanguage The language of the resulting transcriptions. - en
skip-if-flavor-exists If this flavor already exists in the media package, skip this operation. captions/vtt captions/timedtext

Supported Languages

At time of writing Amberscript supports the following language codes:


The glossary ID needs to be a valid ID for a previously created custom glossary. See also If this parameter is unset, the default configured in etc/org.opencastproject.transcription.amberscript.AmberscriptTranscriptionService.cfg is used.

If you don't want to use a glossary in a specific workflow (instance) even though a fallback is configured in that file, you can provide an empty string as glossary ID, i.e. glossary="".