Video Editor Workflow Operation

ID: editor


The editor operation cuts the source file(s) according to the given SMIL file(s). SMIL file(s) are usually generated by the video editor frontend.

Parameter Table

configuration keys example description
source-flavors */work The flavor(s) of all media files to process
smil-flavors */smil The flavor(s) of the SMIL file(s) to be used
skipped-flavors */work The flavor(s) of all media files to be "processed" (cloned) if the editor operation is skipped
target-flavor-subtype trimmed The flavor subtype to be applied to all resulting videos, e.g. for a value of baz, a track with flavor foo/bar will generate another track with flavor foo/baz
target-smil-flavor smil/cutting the flavor of the SMIL file containing the final video segments.
Should be the same as the smil.catalog.flavor property in etc/org.opencastproject.adminui.cfg
skip-if-not-trimmed false (Optional) if set to true, the track encoding will be skipped if no trimming points were defined (i.e. there is only one segment from the very beginning to the very end of the video). Defaults to true
skip-processing true Do not do the actual encoding, just create the smil file and exit. This option is used with process-smil workflow operation, which will use the smil to run the encodings then. Default is false.
preview_flavors */preview (Legacy) Flavors used to preview the video in the editor.
Currently has no effect. Preview flavors are now configured in the file etc/org.opencastproject.adminui.cfg
interactive false (Legacy) If true make the operation interactive, i.e. pause and wait for user input.
Do not use. Interactive operations are deprecated in the current API.

Operation Example

`xml <operation id="editor" description="Waiting for user to review / video edit recording"> <configurations> <configuration key="source-flavors">*/work</configuration> <configuration key="skipped-flavors">*/work</configuration> <configuration key="smil-flavors">*/smil</configuration> <configuration key="target-smil-flavor">smil/cutting</configuration> <configuration key="target-flavor-subtype">trimmed</configuration> </configurations> </operation>