Execute Many Workflow Operation

ID: execute-many


This operation handler filters a set of MediaPackageElements that match certain input conditions and runs a command on each of them. The command may be used to create a new mediapackage element, or to add configuration properties to the running workflow.

To run a command only once for the whole mediapackage, use the Execute Once operation.

Commands run by this operation handler must first be included in the commands.allowed list in the Execute Service configuration.

Parameter Table

All parameters are empty by default if not specified. The special parameters #in and #out are described in Execute Service: Parameter Substitution

Configuration keys Example Description Required?
exec qtfaststart The command to run Yes
params -f -t 15 #{in} #{out} The arguments to the command. This string allows some placeholders for input and output MediaPackage elements (see Parameter Substitution) Yes
load 1.5 A floating point estimate of the load imposed on the node by this job No
set-workflow-properties true / false Import workflow properties from the output file No
source-flavor presentation/source Run the command for any MediaPackage elements with this flavor. Elements must also match the source-tags condition, if present No
source-tag exp, trim, -engage Run the command for any MediaPackage elements with one of these (comma- separated) tags. If any of them starts with '-', MediaPackage elements containing this tag will be excluded. Elements must also match the source-flavor condition, if present No
source-audio true If present, require the element either to have an audio stream (true) or no audio stream (false), in addition to any source-flavor or source-tag conditions. No
source-video true If present, require the element either to have a video stream (true) or no video stream (false), in addition to any source-flavor or source-tag conditions. No
source-subtitle true If present, require the element either to have a subtitle stream (true) or no subtitle stream (false), in addition to any source-flavor or source-tag conditions. No
output-filename outfile.mp4 Specifies the name of the file created by the command (if any), without path information. Used as the last part of the #{out} parameter No
expected-type Track Specifies the type of MediaPackage element produced by the command: Manifest, Timeline, Track, Catalog, Attachment, Publication, Other Required if output- filename is present
target-flavor presentation/processed Specifies the flavor of the resulting Mediapackage element created by the command Required if output- filename is present
target-tags execservice, -trim List of tags that will be applied to the resulting Mediapackage element. Tags starting with "-" will be deleted from the element instead, if present. The resulting element may be the same as the input element No

If set-workflow-properties is true, the command should write a plain-text properties file to the location specified by #{out} in the key-value format supported by the Java Properties class, for example:


Operation Example

Run a command which creates a new version of a track:

    description="Run command">
    <configuration key="exec">qt-faststart</configuration>
    <configuration key="params">-f #{in} #{out}</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-flavor">*/toprocess</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-tags">copy,-exp</configuration>
    <configuration key="output-filename">result.avi</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-flavor">output/processed</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tags">copied,-copy</configuration>
    <configuration key="expected-type">Track</configuration>

Run a command which inspects any track with a presenter/source flavor and an audio stream, and adds new configuration properties to the running workflow, leaving the mediapackage unchanged:

  description="Inspect track and update workflow properties">
    <configuration key="exec">/usr/local/bin/oc-track-inspect-audio.sh</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-flavor">presenter/source</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-audio">true</configuration>
    <configuration key="params">#{in} #{out}</configuration>
    <configuration key="set-workflow-properties">true</configuration>
    <configuration key="output-filename">wf.properties</configuration>
    <configuration key="expected-type">Attachment</configuration>