Rename Files Workflow Operation
ID: rename-files
The rename files operation allows you to rename media files using different metadata. This can be used to, for example, generate human readable names for downloads.
The operation will only rename, not convert files.
Make sure your pattern contains a valid file extension.
You can use `#{file.extension}` to keep the old extension.
Parameter Table
configuration keys | description |
source-flavors | Comma separated list of flavors to select tracks to rename |
source-flavor | Same as source-flavors but can only select a single flavor |
name-pattern | Pattern to use for renaming the media files |
Replacement Patterns
You can use the following placeholders in your replacement pattern:
You can use all metadata fields present in the episode and series Dublin Core catalogs of an event.
'#{' ['series' | 'episode'] '.' DC-FIELD '}'
Here are some common examples:
Operation Example
description="Rename files based on metadata">
<configuration key="name-pattern">#{episode.title}.#{file.extension}</configuration>
<configuration key="source-flavors">*/*</configuration>