Republish OAI-PMH Workflow Operation

ID: republish-oaipmh


The Republish OAI-PMH workflow operation will update metadata in your OAI-PMH repositories. In case that the media has not been published before, this operation will skip. Otherwise all elements matching the flavors and tags will be replaced. In case of missing elements in the media package, the published elements will be also removed.

Parameter Table

Configuration Keys Description
source-flavors Republish any media package elements with one of these (comma-separated) flavors
source-tags Republish only media package elements that are tagged with one of these (comma-separated) tags
repository The name of the OAI-PMH repository where the media should be updated

Operation Example

    description="Update recording metadata in default OAI-PMH repository">
    <configuration key="source-flavors">dublincore/*,security/*</configuration>
    <configuration key="repository">default</configuration>