Segment Previews Workflow Operation

ID: segmentpreviews


The segment previews operation will extract still images from a video using FFmpeg, a given encoding profile and previous discovered segments.

Parameter Table

configuration keys example description
source-flavor presenter/source Specifies which media should be processed.
target-flavor presenter/work Specifies the flavor the new files will get.
source-tags engage Specifies which media should be processed.
target-tags engage Specifies the tags the new files will get.
encoding-profile search-cover.http The encoding profile to use.
reference-flavor presentation/work Flavor of the segments to use.
reference-tags engage Tags of the segments to use.

Operation Example

    description="Encoding presentation (screen) to segment preview image">
    <configuration key="source-flavor">presentation/trimmed</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-tags"></configuration>
    <configuration key="target-flavor">presentation/segment+preview</configuration>
    <configuration key="reference-flavor">presentation/delivery</configuration>
    <configuration key="reference-tags">engage</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tags">engage</configuration>
    <configuration key="encoding-profile">player-slides.http</configuration>