Subtitle Timeshift Workflow Operation

ID: subtitle-timeshift


The subtitle timeshift operation can be used to offset the timestamps of WebVTT subtitle files. One use case regards bumper/intro videos. For example: If a bumper/intro video gets added in front of an already subtitled presenter track, the subtitles would start too early. With this operation, you can select a video and a subtitle track and the timestamps of the captions file will be shifted backwards by the duration of the selected video. This ensures that the subtitles match the presenter track as intended.

Parameter Table

configuration keys required Example description
subtitle-source-flavor yes captions/source Flavor of the subtitle file(s) that shall be shifted.
video-source-flavor yes branding/bumper Flavor of the video that will be used to determine the duration for the shifting of the subtitle timestamps.
target-flavor yes captions/shifted Flavor of the subtitle file(s) that will be created including the shifted timestamps


Please select a flavor for video-source-flavor that will select only a single/unique video. If multiple videos are selected, or (in other words) if it's not clear which video file the operation has to use, the operation will fail.

Additional Notes

The operation will simply skip if no subtitle file is found with the given subtitle-source-flavor.

On successful completion, the operation will create a new subtitle file in the process and will not override the old one. The tags of the original subtitle file will be copied to the new subtitle file.

Operation Examples

    description="Create new subtitle file with shifted timestamps">
    <configuration key="subtitle-source-flavor">captions/source</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-flavor">captions/shifted</configuration>
    <configuration key="video-source-flavor">branding/bumper</configuration>