Tag Engage Workflow Operation

ID: tag-engage


With the tag-engage operation, it's possible to modify the tags and flavors of media package elements (catalogs, attachments or media) directly in the engage publication. Its behavior is based on the tag operation. The publication is updated in the archive (don't forget to take a snapshot) as well as the search service. Since no files have to be downloaded into the workspace, this operation is usually very quick.

Parameter Table

configuration keys example description default value
source-tags "engage,-publish" Tag any media package elements with one of these (comma separated) tags. If a source-tag starts with a '-', media package elements with this tag will be excluded. EMPTY
source-flavors "presentation/trimmed" Tag any media package elements with one of these (comma separated) flavors. EMPTY
target-tags "tagged,+exp" / "-exp,+tagged" Apply these (comma separated) tags to any media package elements. If a target-tag starts with a '-', it will be removed from preexisting tags, if a target-tag starts with a '+', it will be added to preexisting tags. If there is no prefix, all preexisting tags are removed and replaced by the target-tags. EMPTY
target-flavor "presentation/tagged" Apply this flavor to any media package elements. EMPTY

Tags and flavors can be used in combination. For examples see the tag operation.

Operation Example

    description="Remove tag from composites in Engage">
    <configuration key="source-flavors">presenter/*</configuration>
    <configuration key="source-tags">engage-streaming</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-flavor">presenter/tagged</configuration>
    <configuration key="target-tags">+test</configuration>