
In order to assess key characteristics of the External API and to test general connectivity, the External API’s root url is not protected through authentication:

GET /api

Returns key characteristics of the External API such as the API base URL and the default version.


200 (OK): The api information is returned as a JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
version string Default version of the External API
url string Base URL clients shall use to communicate with the External API


  "url": "https:\/\/\/api",
  "version": "v1.0.1"

User and Organization

GET /api/info/me

Returns information on the logged in user.


200 (OK): The user information is returned as a JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
provider string The Opencast user provider that manages this user
name string Displayable name of the user
username string The username
userrole string The role uniquly identifying the user
email string The e-mail address of the user


  "provider": "opencast",
  "name": "Opencast Student",
  "userrole": "ROLE_USER_92623987_OPENCAST_ORG",
  "email": "",
  "username": ""

GET /api/info/me/roles

Returns current user's roles.


200 (OK): The set of roles is returned as array[string].



GET /api/info/organization

Returns the current organization.


200 (OK): The organization details are returned as JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
adminRole string The role administrator users have
anonymousRole string The role unauthenticated users have
id string The tenant identifier
name string The tenant name


  "adminRole": "ROLE_ADMIN",
  "anonymousRole": "ROLE_ANONYMOUS",
  "id": "mh_default_org",
  "name": "Opencast"

GET /api/info/organization/properties

Returns the current organization's properties. The set of properties is a key-value set that depends on the configuration of Opencast.


200 (OK): The organization properties are returned as property.


  "org.opencastproject.feed.url": "",
  "org.opencastproject.admin.documentation.url": "",
  "org.opencastproject.external.api.url": ""

GET /api/info/organization/properties/engageuiurl

Returns the engage ui url property.


200 (OK): The engage ui url is returned as a JSON object containing the following field:

Field Type Description
org.opencastproject.engage.ui.url string Engage ui url


  "org.opencastproject.engage.ui.url": ""


GET /api/version

Returns a list of available version as well as the default version.


200 (OK): The version information is returned as JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
versions array[string] All External API versions supported by this server
default string The default External API version used by this server


  "versions": [
  "default": "v1.1.0"

GET /api/version/default

Returns the default version.


200 (OK): The default version is returned as JSON object containing the following fields:

Field Type Description
default string The default External API version used by this server


  "default": "v1.1.0"